Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Overflowing with beer!

So, apart from getting two new beers, I'm going to get beer this friday, next tuesday, and thursday the week after. But really, how can I complain? My life is full of delicious, delicious beer. Quoth Sparrow, "don't look a gift horse in the mouth"

Speaking of, I had Sparrow over this evening, and cracked open one of my much anticipated christmas presents. I decided to open Obovoid, an Oatmeal Stout from Colorado Brewing Company. I've never been to Colorado, but I've heard their beers repeatedly praised, and intend to be there at some point to try them.

Now, I have to admit. I went to the liquor store the other day, and what did I get? More stout. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, why didn't you get other beers, like you talked about? Or maybe you're not. Either way, shut the hell up. They had Brew Dog's Riptide, and Rogue's Chocolate Stout, and I wasn't willing to miss the opportunity to try these wonderful beers.

But back to tonight's excellent offering. It pours with almost no head, and the smell is kind of an oaky, earthy note, obscuring all other things.

The taste is nice, and smooth. It's smooth for an oatmeal stout, with overwhelming flavors of chocolate and roasted malts. The oak flavor is there, but it's kind of a background taste that doesn't really factor in.

I have to admit, I kind of had higher hopes. An oak aged oatmeal stout? It tastes like a lot of chocolate stouts - delicious, filling, but not particularly unique. Although it might be suffering from a comparison to a similar beer from Pub Dog, their chocolate oatmeal stout.

Either way, definitely worth checking out and enjoying a glass with friends. It's smooth and tasty, and doesn't require your full attention. Don't get your hopes up though, as it's nothing to write home about.

-The Unabashed Ungourmet


  1. I really want to know who sparrow is.

  2. Part of the reason you might be loosing taste notes is the temperature you are drinking it at. You want to drink a stout at around 57 degrees and most fridges will keep the beer more around 38.

  3. Yeah, I realized that last semester. Since then I've actually been drinking beer at around room temperature. I'm thinking I should chill it a little from there, it's been a little too warm lately.
