Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Vistas and New Tastes

So, I was lucky enough to spend my new years in Puerto Rico with Indy and Stark, as well as the Girlfriend. It is a gorgeous place, and a stark departure from the below freezing temperatures around here.

The best part, aside from the swimming and food, was the very cheap and delicious drinks. I spent more than a few afternoons and evenings sipping margaritas and pina coladas.

Sadly, the same cannot be said of the beer. It is cheap, but the predominant beer of the island is Medalla Light. Now, it certainly is drinkable, and I enjoyed my fair share. But really it's another corona-bud-coors macro that tastes of nothing.

I did enjoy the Old Dutch steakhouse and brewery while down there, which made fantastic beers. They had a coffee stout that was rich and delicious, a lager and a pilsner which were light but flavorful, and dopplebock that was exciting and complex. Sadly, I didn't really bother to take notes, so most of my impressions are more general than specific.

Not all my recent beer adventures though came on the island paradise. Upon my return home, I decided it was time for an excellent winter beer, some manner of stout. I went looking for Dogfish head's chicory stout, but was devastated to find that they had sold out at my local liquor store. Luckily, the day was saved by Brooklyn.

Their Black Chocolate Stout is damned good. Let the record show that this inky beer is dark as a moonless night, and drinks like eating an 80% cacao chocolate bar. It is a serious beer.

My only complaint is that it wasn't as complex as I had hoped. It could be my immature palate, but I tasted dark chocolate, more dark chocolate, and maybe a hint of malts. Too be fair, the bottle does advertise as much, so I can't really complain too much. Also, it helps that it was a delicious, delicious beer, that I would gladly drink again.

Until next time...
-The Unabashed Ungourmet

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