Saturday, December 12, 2009

Good Beer and Bad Beer

Ah, the joy of contrasts. I'm a big believer in situational attributes of things. That is, the situation which you experience something will greatly impact your view of it. So, even if you have something rare, delicious, and wonderful, if you have it on a full stomach, with a stuffy nose, or some other bad time, you're probably not going to enjoy it as much.

However, contrasting bad with the good can really make you appreciate the good all the more. Prime example being last night. At my section's holiday party, someone brought a sixer of Budweiser. Trying to be festive and friendly, I helped myself to one. Eugh. It's like fizzy pee water, with the vaguest hint of hops. But we knew this. Budweiser is a sad, sad beer.

And then I went back to Pratt Street Ale House, for what seems to be becoming a tradition. Ahhhhhh. Like stepping home after a long, cold day, to a roaring fire and/or a hot bath. This time I enjoyed their Blackfriar Stout, a little higher ABV than bishop's breakfast, and very chocolatey.

The beer pours dark and thick, and tastes a little like a chocolate milkshake. It's very silky and tasty, with nice sensations of dark chocolate and milk chocolate. I really enjoyed it, although I can't decide if I like it better than Bishop's Breakfast. It's a totally different experience though, without the creamy mouthfeel and coffee tastes of the Bishop's, but with a very thick, silky mouthfeel, and many chocolate notes. Both are definitely delicious.

I have wondered since, did I like it more because I was comparing it to the Budweiser? Regardless, it was a very welcome change, and a very tasty beer. If you're in Baltimore, I definitely recommend a stop by Pratt Street Ale House, their beers are pretty darn impressive.

-The Unabashed Ungourmet

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