So many good beers, so little time. I try not to spend too much time reminiscing, but this is certainly the first year I really spent exploring craft beers. It's been really interesting thus far, and I hope to continue this passion for many years to come. In any case, here's to another wonderful year in 2010.
I recently had a wish of mine granted, and got to try the Pub Dog Oatmeal Stout. It's richer than their black dog irish stout, and definitely is a little more creamy and heavy. However, it is also very delicious, and a little addictive.
I also got for x-mas (so far) a bottle of Brooklyn Local 2, which I am super excited to try. Reviews hopefully forthcoming shortly.
Beers I want to try in 2010:
-Brooklyn Black Ops (I will find some!)
-Rogue Shakespeare Stout (tried it!)
-Fordham Scotch Ale(tried it!)
-Sam Adams Chocolate Bock (So pricey...)(tried it!)
-Avery Mephistopheles
-Dogfishhead Chicory Stout (tried it!)
-Smuttynose Robust Porter (Tried it!)
-Brew Dog Tokio* (or more Paradox, that'd be fine too :-P)
P.S. - X-mas day, made out like a bandit. Bombers of Three Philosophers, Obovoid Oak Stout, and Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout, as well as an intriguing petite sirah from Red Truck. Happy drinkings to all of you!
Broken things
9 years ago