Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh god stouts

So Young's double chocolate stout was excellent and wonderful, but might've been improved by the cigar I was smoking. At the very least the flavor interaction was wonderful. The beer was basically liquid chocolate, with alcohol. So wonderful.

Siren Noire was more complex, and I wish I'd been focusing on it. Dark chocolate, pleasantly bitter, a thin-ish mouthfeel. Also some burnt wood, and a hint of sweet fruits.

why am I not being all descriptive and including this in a narrative? it is finals and I am both busy and exhausted and sick and none of these conditions will feasibly disappear any time soon.

Really, I blame joining a study group. I'd have sooooo much free time if I wasn't trying to improve my grades by seeing what studying with others has to offer. Laaaame I know, but I actually like law school.

Why am I still drinking an assload of stouts? Because they are inexpensive, reliably wonderful, and these are two I've been dying to try. So sue me. Not stout next time, I promise! I have a porter, an imperial brown ale, and a barleywine. Hoooray beer!

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